Setting up systems to hold yourself accountable can actually make working out more enjoyable, dare I say fun! Plan to meet a friend at the gym at the same time each week and hold each other accountable to get there. Set both of your FitnessAI apps to the same amount of time, so you can grab a bite to eat or catch a ride home together afterwards. Save your favorite podcast or playlist for the gym only. This way if you want to listen, you’ll have to get moving.
No excuses! Working out for a short time is better than not working out at all. Set FitnessAI to a shorter workout so you can squeeze it in between obligations. Supplementing workouts with other small changes is also a great way to stay in shape on a schedule. Taking the stairs, parking farther away, and going on a walk with a friend instead of grabbing drinks can make a difference.
When you schedule a workout into your day, hold yourself to it as you would another important appointment, like a work meeting or doctor’s appointment. Thinking about your scheduled workouts as hard commitments rather than loose plans will get you to the gym more often.
Some people find it difficult to wake up early in the mornings to workout, but in reality this is only difficult in the beginning. Even though waking up early feels exhausting, consistently working out a few days a week actually gives you more energy. If you commit to a plan to wake up just half an hour earlier to work out, waking up to work out will get significantly easier. This is also a great productive start to your day, which is perfect for those of us who usually just can’t get it together in the mornings.
If you have kids and have trouble finding time in your day to get to the gym, try and find one with a kids room. Your kids can enjoy themselves in a safe environment while you workout on your schedule. Plus, if you stick to FitnessAI’s program without getting sidetracked, you’ll spend less time at the gym.
Make fitness a priority and take your gym time seriously. Before you know it, you'll notice some serious progress.
Happy Lifting 💪