
Measure your lean muscle mass and body fat, and track your progress with just your iPhone camera, all at a fraction of the cost of a DEXA scan.
Download on iOS
BodyScan Overview

Measure your lean muscle mass and body fat, and track progress with your iPhone camera

Science backed

Cutting-edge accuracy, with a validation paper published in the European Journal of Clinical Medicine. Read it here

Your fitness

Get a detailed and accurate picture of what true fitness looks like — made just for you

Progress is about more than just the number on the scale

Bodyscan helps you understand the true impact of your FitnessAI workouts and track your progress over time.
Everything you need to know


How much does it cost?
How does BodyScan work?
What can BodyScan Measure?
How accurate is it?
Can I wear clothes?
Does the length of my hair matter?
Can I scan in front of the mirror?
What do you do with my data?