Working out with bad form - This a crucial mistake to avoid. If you’re completing a specific exercise that you’ve never done before, or just want to make sure that you have correct form, read FitnessAI’s description of the movement and watch yourself in the mirror. Correcting your form can help you avoid injury and work out efficiently.
Not engaging your core - Every workout can be an ab workout when you’re holding them in tight. Make the most out of your time at the gym by engage your core with each movement. Kill two birds with one stone and hold in your abs when completing all of your exercises, no matter what muscle group they target.
Incorrect reps - Use FitnessAI to make sure you’re never doing too many reps with weights that are too light, or too few reps with weights that are too heavy. This way you won't be wasting your time or risking an injury.
Going to the gym without a goal - On your way to the gym, plan out how long you’ll set the app to and stick to that goal. If you consistently work out for 30 minutes, promise yourself to workout for 40 minutes for a week, and challenge yourself to stick with that change.
Going to the gym at the wrong time - Listen to your body! If you’re always tired at the gym, make sure to get more sleep at night or come to the gym at a different time in your day. Plan your gym sessions with your meals so you’re never too distracted by feeling too full or too hungry during your workout.
Happy Lifting 💪